
  • Software Architecture
  • Software Engineering
  • Performance Engineering
  • Multicore Programming
  • Full Stack Web Development


DupWin AB is a Swedish single-person IT-consultancy company that is owned and operated by Kjell Winblad. The company is offering high-quality software architecture and engineering consultancy services.

I am Kjell Winblad, the owner of DupWin AB. I love creating responsive and high-quality software systems that are enjoyable to use.

As a person, I am responsible, curious, and persevering. I love to challenge myself and learn new things. That is why I pursued a Ph.D. program focused on concurrent data structures and multicore synchronization after a few years of industry experience.

After completing the Ph.D. program, I have worked three years in the team that is developing and maintaining the open-source industry-strength programming language Erlang at Ericsson. In the Erlang team, I have, among other things, contributed significant scalability and responsiveness improvements to the Erlang run-time system.

With DupWin AB, I will give my customers high-quality software development services by leveraging the experience and knowledge that I have gathered from doing software development and research for over 15 years.



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